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01/13/2025 09:00 AM


This article will guide merchants and partners through multi-factor authentication for the Merchant or Partner Interface.

We have implemented additional security measures, which include a one-time passcode (OTP) or PIN verification sent to the email linked with your Authorize.net username during every login.

Here are some steps you can take to further secure your account:

How to enable SMS for one-time passcode (OTP) or PIN verification? 

SMS will be available for PIN requests if you have provided a valid mobile number in your user profile. The below steps can be taken:

For Merchant Interface users:

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Select Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select User Profile from the main left side menu.
  4. Click the Edit Profile Information button.
  5. Enter in or change the Mobile number.
  6. Click Submit to continue.
  7. Verify your identity using a One Time Pin (OTP).
  8. Select Request PIN.
  9. Copy the PIN from your email and select Verify PIN.

Additional information on managing Merchant users can be found here:: How to add and manage users?


For Partner Interface users:

SMS will be available (starting January 13, 2025)  for PIN requests if you have provided a valid mobile number in your user profile. The below steps can be taken:

  1. Sign in to the Partner Interface.
  2. Select Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select My Profile from the menu.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Select Request PIN.
  6. Enter in or change the Mobile number.
  7. Copy the PIN from your email and select Verify PIN.
  8. Click Update to continue.


Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are we implementing these changes?
    • To enhance account security and user verification.
  • Can the PIN verification be disabled?
    • No the PIN verification cannot be disabled or opt out of it.
  • Can the frequency of verifications or PIN requests be changed?
    • There is no option to change the frequency of verification or PIN requests.
  • Can the PIN be sent via text message or other means?
    • Yes, PIN is supported by email and SMS during login as long as the user has a valid mobile number on file.
  • What if I’m not receiving an email with the PIN?


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