Why do I have to change my password so often?
07/18/2024 03:03 AM
Note - Password Expiration Change
Starting on October 30, 2023, Authorize.net will be moving from 120-day expiration to a 90-day expiration period to enhance login and account security.
Strengthening Your Account Security
To bolster the security of your payment gateway account, Authorize.net mandates regular password changes to maintain user and account security. Users are required to change their passwords every 90 days.
Creating Strong Passwords
If you find it challenging to remember strong passwords without writing them down, consider the following tips to create robust passwords that are easy to remember:
- Form a passphrase by stringing several words together and create an acronym from it. Apply strong password requirements (capital letters, numbers, special characters) to this acronym to form a strong password. For example, “Stopping by woods on a snowy evening” becomes “sBw0@se1922.”
- Misspell a word deliberately and add a number or substitute special characters to create a password. For example, “security” phonetically respelled as “sekooritee” can be turned into the password “seky00r1T.”
- Combine a number of facts (such as dates and events) and add a number or substitute a special character. For example, “Pearl Harbor” and the date “December 7, 1941” can be turned into “pe@rL12741HArb0r.”
- Shift a word up or down one row, or left or right one character on the keyboard. For example, if you shift the word “security” by one character to the left, you obtain “awxyeurt.” Once you apply the other strong password requirements you would have a strong password such as “aW3yeur+.”
- Shift letters in a word a certain number of letters up or down the alphabet. For example, if you shift the Ts in the word “thirty-three” back four letters, you would get “phirpy-phree.” Applying additional strong password requirements would give you the password, “phiRpy#phrE5.”
Note: Do not use any of the example passwords shown above. Since these examples have been published, they can be used fraudulently. These are only examples to show you possibilities for strong yet memorable passwords.
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