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09/24/2024 00:37 AM


This article will guide merchants through adding and managing users in the Merchant Interface.

How to add users?

To add users in the Merchant Interface, follow these steps (Account Owners and Administrators):

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select User Administration in the main left-side menu.
  4. Click + Add User.
  5. Select the type of user you would like to add. Click here to see the definition of user roles and permissions.
  6. To further customize the new user account, deselect the boxes next to the user permissions that should not be enabled.
  7. Click Next > to continue.
  8. Create a Login ID for the new user that contains at least six (6) characters and is a combination of letters and numbers.
  9. Enter the new user's information.
  10. Select the checkboxes to choose the types of email notifications you would like the user to receive.
  11. Click Submit to continue.
  12. Verify your identity using a One Time Pin (OTP).
  13. Select Request PIN.
  14. Copy the PIN from your email and select Verify PIN.
  15. After verifying, a message will appear notifying you that the user has been successfully created. The message also displays the new user's Login ID and Email Address.
  16. The new user will then receive a user activation email with a link to complete setting up their user and password for access, along with verifying user information. (activation email expires after 24 hours)

How to resend the user activation email?

If the activation email needs to be resent for any inactive users this can be done by the following steps (Account Owners and Administrators):

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select User Administration in the main left-side menu.
  4. Click on the radial button next to the user if they are listed as inactive.
  5. Click Resend Activation Email at the top of the Admin page.
  6. This will resend the activation email to the new user. (activation email expires after 24 hours)

How to view and edit users?

You can view or edit a user's account from the User Administration page. To view or edit a user's account (Account Owners and Administrators):

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select User Administration in the main left-side menu.
  4. Click the user's name. Please note that deleted users are not listed.

The availability of some of the options listed below varies by user role. You can do the following from the user's profile page:

  • Edit the user's profile information
  • Edit the user's permissions

The user's basic account and contact information is shown at the top of the page and includes the user's First and Last Name, Login ID, User Role, Title, Phone, Mobile, Email Address, User Status, and the Creation Date for the user account.

To edit the user's profile information:

  1. Click the Edit Profile Information button.
  2. Edit the user's First Name, Last Name, Title, Phone Number, Extension, and Email Address(es) as necessary.
  3. If applicable, click the check boxes to select the payment gateway email types you would like the user to receive. Email types left deselected will not be sent to the user.
  4. Click Submit to continue.
  5. Verify your identity using a One Time Pin (OTP).
  6. Select Request PIN.
  7. Copy the PIN from your email and select Verify PIN.

How to change a users role?

The Account Owner can change a user's role at any time. Additionally, an Account Administrator can change any user's role by default (except for an Account Owner). To change the user's role:

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select User Administration in the main left-side menu.
  4. Click the user's name. Please note that deleted users are not listed.
  5. Click Edit Permissions.
  6. Select the new user role from the User Role drop-down list. The default user permissions associated with the selected user role are automatically listed and enabled.
  7. To further customize the user account, click to deselect the boxes next to the user permissions that you want disabled for the user.
  8. Provide the answer to the Secret Question at the bottom of the screen.
  9. Click Submit to continue.
  10. Verify your identity using a One Time Pin (OTP).
  11. Select Request PIN.
  12. Copy the PIN from your email and select Verify PIN.
  13. The user's profile page appears displaying the updated user role and permissions.

How to unlock user?

If a user attempts to log into the Merchant Interface, but enters the wrong password five times in a row, the user will be locked. In order for the user to access the Merchant Interface, the user must successfully complete a password reset from the login page or contact an Account Owner or Account Administrator for assistance. Users can also be locked if a one time pin is entered incorrectly more than six times.

Note: Account Administrators may or may not have access to unlock user accounts, depending on whether or not that permission was disabled by the user who created the Administrator's account.

To unlock a user's account (Account Owners and Administrators):

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select User Administration in the main left-side menu.
  4. Click the Unlock link next to the lock icon by the account user's name.

How to help a user reset their password?

To help a user reset their password (Account Owners and Administrators):

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select User Administration in the main left-side menu.
  4. Click on the user name to view their profile.
  5. Review/confirm first and last name and email address are correct and make any necessary updates.
  6. Direct the user to the Merchant Interface login page
  7. The user will then need to go through the forgot password process by clicking on Forgot Password.

How to delete a user?

You can delete existing user accounts from the main User Administration page. All current users associated with the Merchant Interface account are listed by Name, Role and Status (deleted users do not appear on the list). Should you need to re-establish a deleted user, you will need to recreate the user account. The old login cannot be reused.

To delete a user account (Account Owners and Administrators):

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Select User Administration in the main left-side menu.
  4. Check to verify the user is not set as the Reply-To Email Address.
  5. Click the User's name.
  6. Under Email Notification Settings, make sure "Use this email address as reply-to." is unchecked.
  7. If this box is checked, another User or Contact must first be specified as the reply-to email address.
  8. Click User Administration again.
  9. Click to select the radio button next to the name of the user account you wish to delete.
  10. Click Delete User on the User Administration page toolbar. A message window appears asking if you would like to continue with the delete.
  11. Click OK to continue or click Cancel to cancel the action.
  12. Verify your identity using a One Time Pin (OTP).
  13. Select Request PIN.
  14. Copy the PIN from your email and select Verify PIN.
  15. The user is deleted from your payment gateway account.

Manage Users FAQs

  • Can I customize the permissions or restrict access for each user profile?
    • Yes as a new user is added you can select the user type/role and see their permissions and when it is possible you will see the option to remove default permissions given for that type/role.
    • Additionally as you edit a user in user admin page you will see the option to edit/change the permissions including the role and individual permissions, see more information on roles in support article: What are the different user roles for the Merchant Interface?
  • Can I change my Login ID or another users Login ID?
    • Once created the user name or login id cannot be changed.
  • Can I use the same Login ID for multiple accounts?
    • No user names or login id cannot be used across multiple accounts.

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