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01/10/2025 01:36 AM


This article will guide merchants through the reporting and search options in the Merchant Interface.

Data Retention Note

Authorize.net recommends periodically downloading your transaction history for your records. We retain the current year and the last two years' worth of transaction data and archive older data yearly (normally between March-April).

Transaction Search

The Transaction Search function on Authorize.net allows you to search for specific transactions using transaction ID, date, credit card number, bank account number or customer name. To access this feature:

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Select Transaction Search from the main menu.

Search Tips

  • Using Wildcards: Use the * as a wildcard search term in any of the following fields: Customer First Name, Customer Last Name, Customer ID, Transaction - Invoice Number.
  • Search by Credit Card Number: Credit card numbers are fully stored for 180 days post-settlement, after which the full number is deleted from our system in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). To locate transactions older than 180 days, use the last four digits of the charged card number. Searches using the full card number will only find results that settled within the past 180 days.
  • Searching by Date Range: The drop-down boxes displaying settlement dates represent a listing of all settled transaction batches. Selecting these dates will return transactions that were settled on that date in a particular settlement batch. It's possible to have multiple settlement batches on a particular day. Be mindful of the dates and times selected to ensure you are querying the results you need. To view only transactions in a particular settlement batch, select that batch date/time as both the From and To value. You can also cross settlement days by selecting a From date/time that is earlier than the To date/time. To view certain transactions across all settlement batches, select ALL Settled as both the To and From value. To view transactions that have not been settled, select Unsettled as both the From and To value.
  • Combining Fields: The search page provides many search options to find the transactions you need. Be careful when using multiple variables to generate transaction searches. All searches are treated as “AND” criteria. When entering multiple variables, the system will combine these search terms to generate the unique list of transactions that match all your specified criteria. For instance, searching for Payment Method = Visa and Customer Last Name = Smith will only return the transactions where Smith and Visa were used.

Search for a Transaction

The Search for a Transaction feature allows you to locate specific transactions using a variety of search parameters such as transaction ID, date, or customer name, providing flexibility in managing your transactions.

Settlement Date

Choose to view ALL Settled transactions or click the From: and To: drop down boxes to view Unsettled transactions. You can also choose a range of settlement dates in which to search.

Credit Card/Bank Account Information

  • Payment Method: Click the drop-down box and choose the card type to search by: ALL (default), Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, EnRoute, JCB, eCheck and PayPal.
  • Credit Card Number: Enter the full credit card number or the last 4 digits in the Credit Card # field. Transactions older than 180 days can only be searched for by the last 4 digits.
  • Bank Account Number: Enter the full bank account number or the last 4 digits in the Bank Account # field. Transactions older than 180 days can only be searched for by the last 4 digits.

Customer Information

  • Customer Name: Enter the customer's First Name and/or Last Name in the appropriate fields.
  • Customer ID: Enter the customer's ID in the ID field.

Transaction Information

  • Transaction Status: Click the drop-down box to search for transactions that have a particular status such as Voided, Under Review, Settled Successfully, Refund/Pending Settlement, Refund, FDS - Pending Review, FDS - Authorized/Pending Review, Failed Review, Expired, Declined, Could Not Void, Captured/Pending Settlement, Authorized/Pending Capture, Authorized/Held Pending Release, Approved Review, ALL (default).
  • ID: Enter the transaction ID in the field.
  • Invoice #: Enter the invoice number in the field.

Click the Show drop-down to choose how many results per page to display:10 (default), 15, 20, or 25 results.

Click Search to display your Transaction Summary.

Search by Business Day

The Search by Business Day feature allows you to view transactions processed on a specific business day, helping you to keep track of daily sales and transactions.

To search for settled transactions by business date range:

  1. Select Settled transactions from the drop-down list box.
  2. Select Date Range from the search type drop-down list.
  3. Enter the start and end dates for your date range (dd/mm/yyyy) or click the calendar buttons to select your start and end dates.

To search for settled transactions by business day:

  1. Select Settled transactions from the drop-down list box.
  2. Select Day from the search type drop-down list.
  3. Enter the date of the business day you would like to search (dd/mm/yyyy) or click the calendar button to select the day.

To search for settled transactions by month:

  1. Select Settled transactions from the drop-down list box.
  2. Select Month from the search type drop-down list.
  3. Select the month and year for the month you would like to search from the appropriate drop-down lists. Continue to step 4.

To search for settled transactions by quarter:

  1. Select Settled transactions from the drop-down list box.
  2. Select Quarter from the search type drop-down list.
  3. Select the quarter of the past 12 fiscal quarters you would like to search.

To search for unsettled transactions:

  1. Select Unsettled transactions from the drop-down list box. Skip to step 4, below.

Unsettled Transactions

The Unsettled Transactions feature provides a list of transactions that are approved but not yet settled, giving you a clear view of pending funds. All currently unsettled transactions will display on the Unsettled Transactions page. Click a Transaction ID from the results to view the transaction details. For more information on unsettled transaction search and filtering see: How do you view unsettled transactions and capture or void transactions?

Suspicious Transactions

The Suspicious Transactions feature highlights transactions flagged by your Advanced Fraud Detection Suite (AFDS) settings, helping you identify and address potential fraudulent activity. For more information on suspicious transactions and using AFDS please see the below articles:


Authorize.net provides several pre-built reports to help you understand your business. These reports cover a range of areas, including settled transactions, chargebacks (eCheck only), and returns (eCheck only). To access reports:

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Select Reports from the main menu.

Transaction Detail

The Transaction Detail Report allows you to view transaction details for settled or declined transactions by settlement date, providing a detailed breakdown of each transaction.

Transaction Statistics

The Transaction Statistics Report allows you to view statistical processing information by payment method for a given settlement batch or date range. The report summarizes the charges, refunds, declines, voids, chargebacks, returns and/or errors associated with the settlement batch(es) selected. This is especially useful for merchants that use a host-based processor (FDC Omaha - FDCO only), as they also see totals as reported by their host processor.


The Returns report provides details on all transactions that have been charged back or returned, for eCheck transactions, helping you keep track of any disputed transactions.

Downloading/Exporting Data

For information on how to download search and transaction data please see: How do I download transaction information and search results?

Search and Reporting FAQs

  • How can I search for a specific batch number?
    • There is no option or ability to search by a specific batch number.
  • How can I identify the location of a transaction, to validate and check a customers location?
    • This will depend on the customer information entered and provided in the transaction. The Billing and Shipping information in the transaction details can be used, along with depending on the software and solution and what data is passed to Authorize.net's APIs the IP address of the transactions which can be used to look up and validate the location of the customer and order. You can use the IP Shipping Address Mismatch Filter as part of the Advance Fraud Detection Suite (AFDS). This tool compares the shipping address provided with an order to the IP address of where the order originated from. This helps to determine whether or not the order is shipping to the country from which it originated. Additionally, you can use the Regional IP Address Filter (a part of AFDS) to flag orders coming from specific regions or countries. You can customize the filter actions based on an entire geographic area, or select country by country how to process transactions flagged by the filter.
  • What should you do if the date for your batch or transactions is not listed, even though you know the batch settled?
    • The first step is to check unsettled transactions to see if the transactions for the date in question are there. If they are not, it is possible that the transactions for that date failed settlement when being batched. Look for any emails referencing failed settlement. If you cannot find the batch or transactions in question, please reach out to Authorize.net support for assistance.


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