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07/18/2024 15:54 PM


What are Support Cases?

Support Cases is a secure service offered by Authorize.net for creating and tracking support-related requests. Unlike regular emails, you can create a Support Case from the Support Center. This method provides a more efficient way to handle and review all your support requests. It also allows automatic user authentication using your Partner Interface credentials. Customer Support can quickly identify you based on your login credentials.

How do I access Support Cases?

You can access Support Cases in two ways:

  1. Sign in to the Partner Interface.
  2. Once signed in successfully you will automatically be taken back to the Support Centers authenticated view.
  3. You will then see the option for Support Cases at the top which allow you to create new or view Support Cases.

If you are already logged into the Partner Interface, follow these steps:

  1. You will see Support at the top right.
  2. Click Create and Manage Support Cases.
  3. You will be redirect back to the Support Center's authenticated view.
  4. You will then see the option for Support Cases at the top which allow you to create new or view Support Cases.

Which account users can use or access Support Cases? Which account users can see all Support Cases on my account?

All Partner Interface account users can access and use Support Cases. Admins and Associates also have the ability to open, edit and close Support Cases for all users.

How do I create a new Support Case?

To create a new Support Case:

  1. Sign in to the Partner Interface.
  2. Click Support Cases at the top of the Support Center.
  3. Under Support Cases select the case type needed:
    1. View Cases - View existing cases.
    2. General Support - For general questions, requests or issues.
    3. Processor Update - To update/change the processor connection for your Authorize.net Merchant. Refer to How can I change or update the processor connected to my payment gateway account? for more information. This is a merchant-specific Support Case type.
    4. Apply for ECC - This is a merchant-specific Support Case type.
  4. Complete the required fields for the Support Case type.
  5. Click Submit to complete creating your Support Case.

How do I review the status of a Support Case? How do I update my Support Case?

To review the status or update a Support Case:

  1. Sign in to the Partner Interface.
  2. Click Support Cases at the top of the Support Center.
  3. Under View Cases see existing cases.
  4. You will then see the cases your id/account has submitted. Clicking on the case # will open the Support Case and its details.

I have more information to provide on a Support Case. How do I get that information to Customer Support?

If you have additional information to provide on an open case, update your existing Support Case to include the additional information and attachments as needed. This way, all relevant information will be in one Support Case and Customer Support will not have to find and update multiple Support Cases in order to respond to your request.

I'm checking on the status of a Support Case. What are the possible statuses and what do they mean?

The possible Support Case statuses and what they mean to you are listed below:

  • New – We have received your request and will respond shortly.
  • Solution Provided – Customer Support has provided a response to your request. Please review the Support Case and update it if further help is needed.
  • Updated by Support – Customer Support needs to research the issue further. Please review the Support Case for further details.
  • Updated by Customer – We have received your updated request and will respond shortly.
  • Closed by Customer – You closed your request. Customer Support will not investigate and there will be no additional follow-up.
  • System Closed – The request was closed by the service. Customer Support will not receive any further information on the issue.
  • Closed by Support – The request was closed by Customer Support and no further investigation or follow-up is required.

Supported File Types for Case Attachments in the Support Center

The following file types are supported when attaching a file to a case in the Support Center:

Compression Files:

.7z, .arj, .deb, .pkg, .rar, .rpm, .tar.gz, .z, .zip

Data Files:

.csv, .et, .ett, .xls, .xlsx, .xlt


.as, .asl, .doc, .docm, .docx, .dot, .dotm, .dotx, .htm, .html, .msg, .pdf, .pdx, .rtf, .txt, .wpd, .wps, .wpt, .xps


.bmp, .cdr, .dcx, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .jpeg, .pct, .pic, .png, .rgb, .sam, .tga, .tif, .tiff, .wpg

Developer Files:

.asp, .aspx, .cfm, .cgi, .pl, .css, .htm, .html, .js, .jsp, .php, .py, .xhtml, .pcap, .json, .xml, .config, .props, .properties, .java, .cs, .vb, .tcp, .tcpdump, .cap, .pcapture

Presentation Files:

.dps, .dpt, .pot, .potx, .pps, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx


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