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10/14/2024 17:13 PM


This article will guide merchants through changing or updating the processor connected to their Authorize.net account.

Processor Change/Update

To change or update the processor connection for your Merchant Account associated with your Authorize.net account, please submit a request using the Support Center and include the required information outlined below for your new or updated processor connection.

What is a Value-Added Reseller (VAR) sheet?

A Value-Added Reseller (VAR) sheet, also known as a tear sheet or parameter sheet, is a file that contains crucial information about a business from a payment processing perspective. It helps payment gateway providers understand the basic details of a business, facilitating smoother payment transactions.

Information Typically Included in a VAR Sheet:

  • Merchant Identification Number (MID or Merchant ID)
  • Merchant Account Information
  • Business Details
  • Payment Processor Information
  • Descriptor: What appears on the customer's statement
  • Industry Code or Merchant Category Code (MCC)

How to obtain a VAR sheet?

To obtain your VAR sheet, contact your Merchant Service Provider (MSP) for your Merchant Account. For more information on MSPs, refer to "What is and who is a Merchant Service Provider (MSP)?"

Only an Account Owner or an Account Administrator are allowed to update the processor. Additionally, if your account is subsidized by an Authorize.net reseller, Client Services will refer to your reseller for any processor changes or updated. If the subsidizing reseller approves the update, the reseller must contact Authorize.net to update your account.

Submitting Processor Change/Update

To submit a processor update request using the Support Case service:

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface
  2. Once signed in successfully you will automatically be taken back to the Support Centers authenticated view.
  3. Click Support Cases on the Support Center.
  4. Under Create Case click Processor Update Request.
  5. In the Support Case Description provide from the below list the associated processor configuration for your account/update.
  6. Click Submit.

Client Services will review your request. If the processor update is completed, Client Services will run a test transaction on your account to help validate the update working with your processor connection. If the test transaction fails, a Client Services will contact the Account Owner or Account Administrator that submitted the Support Case. For more information on support cases see: Merchant Support Cases FAQ

Processor Change/Update FAQs

  • How long does a processor change or updates take?
    • Most updates are completed with in one to two days of submission as long as all the necessary information is provided and once completed the update takes effect immediately.
  • I had transactions that had not settled (Authorized Only and Captured/Pending Settlement state) before the processor was updated. Which processor will they settle on?
    • The transactions will settle with the original processing platform that authorized the transaction.
  • I successfully processed a charge to my customer's card and then changed the processor. What happens if I process a refund?
    • The refund transaction will be sent to the new processor for settlement.
  • If I change the processor after receiving a batch failure and before requesting a batch resend, where are the transaction(s) sent when the batch resend is issued?
    • The transaction within the batch will be resent to the original processing platform that authorized the transaction.
  • Can I can or switch my MSP?
    • Yes you can can or switch your Merchant Service Provider (MSP) it is recommended to work with your reseller or sales and once you have obtained a new merchant account to provide to Authorize.net the processor connection and configuration information from your new MSP.
  • Will updating my processor affect my current API configurations?
    • No changing or updating our processor will not impact your web site or API connections/configuration.

Supported Processors

Below are the supported processors and fields for each processor connection that will need to be provided in any change or update request.

Chase Paymentech
Client Number (4 digits):
Merchant # / Gensar # / PNS # (12 digits):
Terminal Number (3 digits):
Acquiring Bank Name:

Bank Number (6 digits):
Terminal ID (6-16 digits):
*Please add spaces when submitting this Terminal ID, for security purposes 16 digit numbers will be masked.
Acquiring Bank Name:

First Data (Nashville/FDCN/FDMS)
MID (6-11 digits):
TID (6-11 digits):
Acquiring Bank Name:

First Data Omaha (FDCO/FDR-First Data Resources)
FDCO Merchant ID (15 or 16 digits):
*Please add spaces when submitting this Merchant ID, for security purposes 16 digit numbers will be masked.
Acquiring Bank Name:

Global Payments North America (GPS/Global Payments)
Acquirer Institution ID / Bank ID (6 digits):
Merchant ID / Terminal ID (6 or more digits):
Acquiring Bank Name:

Heartland Payment Systems
Acquirer BIN (6 digits):
Category Code (4 digits):
Merchant Number (12 digits):
Store Number (4 digits):
Terminal ID (8 digits):
Terminal Number (4 digits):
Acquiring Bank Name:

Merchant Number (Up to 16 digits):
Customer Number (Up to 4 digits):
DBA Number (Up to16 digits):
Terminal Number (Up to 16 digits):

TSYS Acquiring Solutions (Vital)
Acquirer BIN / Bin Number (6 digits):
Agent Bank Number / Agent (6 digits):
Agent Chain Number / Chain (6 digits):
Category Code / SIC / MCC (4 digits):
Merchant Number (12 digits):
Store Number (4 digits):
Terminal Number (4 digits):
Acquiring Bank Name:

WorldPay / RBS Lynk / Lynk Systems (Heritage WorldPay)
Acquirer BIN (6 digits):
Merchant Category Code (4 digits):
Merchant Number (12 digits):
Store Number (4 digits):
Terminal Number (4 digits):
Acquiring Bank Name:

WorldPay Core (Vantiv RAFT 610)
Merchant ID (12 digits):
Bank ID (4 digits):
Terminal ID (3 digits):


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