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01/15/2025 01:07 AM


This article will guide merchants through configuring and enabling or disabling customer email receipts and other related settings.

Methods to Send Customer Email Receipts

  • Merchant Interface Configuration
  • API Call
Note: API settings override Merchant Interface settings if they conflict. Consult your website developer or shopping cart provider for details.

Enabling or Disabling Customer Email Receipts via Merchant Interface

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Navigate to Account > Email Receipt under Transaction Response Settings.
  3. Select or deselect Email transaction receipt to customer.
  4. For ARB (Automated Recurring Billing) transactions: Select or deselect Email customer for each successfully authorized ARB generated transaction.
  5. Click Submit.

Configuring Email Receipt Header and Footer

  1. Enter header and footer text (up to 1,500 characters each).
  2. For text exceeding 1,500 characters, integrate via your payment gateway code.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Optionally: Use the same header and footer for your email receipts and Receipt Page.

Disabling Customer Email Notifications

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Go to Account > Email Receipt under Transaction Format Settings and Transaction Response Settings.
  3. Uncheck Transaction Receipt.
  4. Click Submit.

Identifying and Modifying Reply-to Address for Email Receipts

Existing User/Contact

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Navigate to Account > User Administration.
  3. Select the User/Contact Name.
  4. For users: Click Edit Profile Information.
  5. Scroll to Specify Email Reply-To Address and check Use this email address as reply-to.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Verify identity with a One Time Pin (OTP).

New User/Contact

  1. Sign in to the Merchant Interface.
  2. Navigate to Account > User Administration > +Add User.
  3. Select a User Role (preferably Account Contact for non-sign-in users).
  4. Enter new user information.
  5. Check the desired email notifications and Use this email address as reply-to.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Verify identity with an OTP.
  • API requests may override Merchant Interface settings. Ensure alignment with your developer or shopping cart provider.
  • For API integration guides, refer to the API Documentation.

Example Email Receipt Notification

An additional copy of this receipt was emailed to <merchant e-mail address> due to a gateway setting passed during the transaction submission. If this email does not belong to someone in your organization, it may indicate fraudulent activity.

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