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07/18/2024 03:27 AM


Chargeback Disputes

Customers have 60 days from the day they receive their statement to dispute a charge. This can end up being close to 90 days, depending on what day the transaction was posted and when the customer receives their statement.

Credit Card Chargebacks

Authorize.net does not handle chargebacks related to credit cards and would not have a record of any chargeback activity. For issues related to chargebacks, you need to contact your Merchant Service Provider (MSP). Your MSP acts as your financial institution and would have records and details of any chargebacks, how to dispute them, and how to reduce the risk of chargebacks.

Authorize.net does not know who your MSP is. If you look at your merchant account statement, you should be able to identify who your MSP is, along with their contact information.

eCheck.Net/ACH Chargebacks

For chargebacks related to eCheck/ACH transactions, Authorize.net keeps a record of eCheck chargebacks, available from the Returns Report in the Merchant Interface. For these types of chargebacks, you need to contact the customer's bank that issued the chargeback. Please note, Authorize.net does not dispute chargebacks on behalf of eCheck/ACH transactions.


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