Below are common error and response codes. For more information, please visit the Response Codes page to look up a specific error code.
Error: "An Error Occurred, Try Again in 5 Minutes"
This error is due to a temporary connection issue between and the Payment Processor. It's usually resolved automatically within a few minutes. However, repeated attempts to process a credit card during this period may result in multiple authorizations. To test the system, use a test card number obtained from your Merchant Service Provider. When the system shows a decline message for the test card instead of "Try Again in 5 Minutes", the connectivity issue is resolved.
Error: "Communication Error"
A transaction with a status of "Communication Error" indicates that did not receive an approval or decline from your processing network at the time of the transaction request due to an interruption in communication with your Payment Processor. Because we did not receive a response or authorization code from the Payment Processor, we marked the transaction as an error and you will not be charged a transaction fee by
Error: "Failure due to Batch Inquiry: Invalid Merchant"
This error is usually created by the processing network FDCO when attempting to create a second settlement batch on the same day. If you encounter this error, contact your merchant bank. Please note, with the FDCO Host Capture account, you may not be able to reconcile transactions against their settlement reports. If you are an eMerchantView user, you can sign in to your merchant account and download account information for reconciliation.
Error 11: "A duplicate transaction has been submitted"
This error indicates that a transaction with the same amount and credit card information was submitted within a few minutes of a previous attempt. identifies duplicate transactions by matching the transaction data. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 13 - Invalid Merchant Login ID or Password or Inactive Account
This error suggests issues with your API Login ID, server connection, account status, or lack of a valid Transaction Key or hash fingerprint. For security, always submit a Transaction Key or fingerprint hash. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 14 - Invalid Referrer or Relay Response URL
This error is applicable only to Server Integration Method (SIM) and Direct Post Method (DPM). It occurs when the Relay Response or Referrer URL does not match the merchant's configured value(s) or is absent. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 16 - Transaction Not Found
This error may occur due to a couple of reasons:
- Refund Request: This error may be caused by a refund request if the referenced transaction ID (x_trans_id) was originally processed through a different account than the one being used for the refund request. To avoid this, ensure that refund transactions are submitted using the gateway account that generated the original transaction.
- Card Type Setup Problem: The error could also indicate a setup problem with a particular card type. If this is the case, contact your Merchant Service Provider (MSP) to check on your payment processing setup and to confirm that there are no issues with the configuration for the card type being submitted in the transaction.
Error 17 and Error 28 - Merchant Does Not Accept This Type of Card
These errors occur when your Merchant Service Provider (MSP), payment processor, and are not all configured to accept the card type being submitted with the transaction (for example, American Express, Discover, etc.).
How to Verify Accepted Card Types
Sign in to Merchant Interface.
Select Account from the main toolbar.
Select Merchant Profile from the menu on the left.
- Under Payment Methods, review the card types listed.
If the card type you are attempting to process is not listed, contact your MSP. They can verify which card types are configured for your payment processor and assist with setting up the new card type if necessary.
Note about MSP
Your MSP acts as your financial institution. They deposit funds into your bank account and maintain your merchant account with Visa and MasterCard. They also charge the percentage discount rate on your batch settlements and may place transaction processing limits on your merchant account.
If Your Card Type is Not Listed
If the 'Merchant Profile' page of your account does not list the card type you are attempting to process, first confirm with your MSP that you are able to accept that card type. Then, have an Account Owner or Administrator call Customer Support to enable that card type for your payment gateway account.
Error 39: Invalid or Unsupported Currency Code
This error may be due to two reasons:
- You may be using the field x_currency_code in your scripting, and setting it to a currency code that is not supported by your account. supports only AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, JPY, NOK, NZD, SEK, USD, ZAR.
- Your account may have been created without a valid Currency ID. In this case, you cannot process transactions through the API or the Virtual Terminal.
Error 52: Unable to Send Notification to Customer
This error occurs when tries to respond to a script on your server. If the system doesn't receive an acknowledgement within 10 seconds, the connection times out, and an error page is displayed. This error can also occur if the customer closes the web page before the acceptance of the transaction response is acknowledged. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 63: Processing Error
This error occurs repeatedly if your Merchant Business country isn't set correctly. This is particularly relevant for accounts using TSYS as the payment processor. Transactions will fail if all the information isn't set correctly. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 66: Transaction Not Accepted for Processing
This error occurs when a transaction doesn't meet the payment gateway's security guidelines. If you're using the SIM connection method, ensure your code provides values for the following required fields:
- Merchant-defined sequence number of the transaction (x_FP_Sequence)
- UTC time in seconds (x_FP_Timestamp)
- The Fingerprint Hash (x_FP_Hash)
This error can also occur if you submit an AIM, SIM, or DPM transaction using the HTTP GET method.
Error 87: Transactions of This Market Type Cannot Be Processed on This System
This error occurs when the server isn't configured to process the product type derived from the market type of the transaction. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 92: Unsupported Method of Integration
This error can occur for several possible reasons, depending on which Application Programming Interface (API) your software uses to connect to your account. This is often caused due to mixing methods between APIs. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 97: Transaction Cannot Be Accepted
This error is applicable only to the SIM API. Fingerprints are only valid for a short period of time. This code indicates that the transaction fingerprint has expired. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 98: This transaction cannot be accepted.
Applicable only to the SIM API. The transaction fingerprint has already been used. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 99: This transaction cannot be accepted.
Applicable only to the SIM/DPM integration methods. The server-generated fingerprint does not match the merchant-specified fingerprint in the x_fp_hash field. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 123: This account has not been given the permissions required for this request.
The transaction request must include the API Login ID associated with the payment gateway account. This error indicates that a user's personal Login ID is being used to connect a website or solution to the payment gateway. Further information on this error can be found here.
Error 127: Could Not Void
This error occurs when the transaction results in an Address Verification System (AVS) mismatch, meaning the provided address does not match the billing address of the cardholder. This error applies only to transactions on the First Data Omaha (FDCO) processor connection. It occurs when sends a void request after a transaction is declined due to an AVS or CVV mismatch, and the processor doesn't respond to the void request. The transaction will never settle, and no funds will be transferred. It's uncertain whether the authorization will be voided. The customer might have a hold on their card for up to 30 days. If necessary, the merchant can contact the card issuing bank, provide the merchant account number and the transaction's authorization code, and request a manual void for the authorization.
Error 180: Voiding credits is not permitted by the processor.
This error can occur due to several reasons:
- An attempt was made to cancel a refund on a processor which doesn't allow it.
- Merchants using the TSYS payment processing platform who submit transactions with test credit card numbers will receive a response of Error 180, indicating an error during processing due to the use of a test card number. If the processor is not set up correctly, a more generic error message (like 30, 34, or 35) will be given.
Error 312: Invalid Security Code & Error 313: This error indicates that the customer has requested a new Security Code.
The Hosted Payment Form (Used by Server Integration Method (SIM), Simple Checkout) has a Security Code/CAPTCHA) to ensure payments are made by humans, not automated scripts. This error means the customer entered the Security Code incorrectly. In this case, a new code is generated for another try. This error can also occur with the Advanced Integration Method (AIM) and Direct Post Method (DPM), even though they don't use the Hosted Payment Form. To avoid this, disable the Security Code option in the Payment Form settings in the Merchant Interface. For Simple Checkout users, the customer is always required to verify a Security Code. Even if the Security Code is disabled from the payment form, the customer is required to verify a Security Code on the Simple Checkout order page.
To disable Security Code:
- Sign in to Merchant Interface.
- Select Account.
- Choose Settings.
- Click Payment Form.
- Select Form Fields.
- Uncheck the box labeled Require the Security Code feature on the Payment Form.
- Click Submit to save.
Error 325: Required fields are missing from the request.
Merchants using the following processors (AIBMS UK, Barclays, Cardnet, HBOS, HSBC, Streamline, FdiAus and Westpac) must provide these Billing Information fields:
- First Name (x_first_name)
- Last Name (x_last_name)
- Address (x_address)
- City (x_city)
- State (x_state)
- Postal Code (x_zip)**
- Country (x_country) **
- Email Address (x_email)
Error 326: Invalid data in one or more request fields.
This error is for UK merchants using International Processors (Streamline, HSBC, HBOS, Barclays, AIBMS UK/FDC Germany, Westpac, FdiAus) and indicates invalid data in one or more fields. Possible causes:
- Missing or incorrect processor details.
- Submitting x_amount less than 0.02.
- Invalid x_state value for U.S. or Canada customers. Use correct two-character state or province abbreviation.
- Invalid x_country value (For UK addresses, avoid using England, North Ireland, Scotland, Wales).
- Invalid phone number.
- Invalid Customer ID (Phone numbers, Social Security Numbers, email addresses are not accepted).
- For HBOS processor, this error may occur due to a "Payment processor error" from HBOS.
- CyberSource: State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada
- CyberSource: ISO Standard Country Codes
- United States Postal Service abbreviations
Error 327: Void request was unsuccessful.
This error means the void request was not successful because the original transaction type doesn't support voiding or the transaction is currently being settled.