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This article will guide merchants through QuickBooks download settings and reporting in the Merchant Interface.

Setting Up Your Merchant Interface QuickBooks Download Report

To configure your Merchant Interface QuickBooks download report settings, log into the Merchant Interface, navigate to Settings in the main menu, and then select QuickBooks Download Report Settings in the General section at the bottom of the page. Please note that these settings must be configured before you can create a QuickBooks download report.

Task 1 - Configure Transaction Mapping for Your QuickBooks Accounts, Customer Name, and Class Name

You must configure an account for at least one transaction type. Follow these steps:

  1. Configure the QuickBooks Charge Transaction Accounts and/or Refund Transaction Account through which your transactions will be processed. You may use the default accounts (recommended) or configure accounts to match your unique QuickBooks configuration.
  2. Enter a Default Customer Name to be used in the event that no customer name information is provided. If desired, you may select a payment gateway customer name field or field combination from the Customer Name Mapping drop-down list.
  3. If desired, enter the QuickBooks Class Name that should be used to categorize your QuickBooks account entries.

Task 2 - Configure Product and/or Service Mapping

Enter the QuickBooks product and/or service settings you would like to use in the event that itemized information is not submitted with a transaction.

Task 3 - Configure Product Sales Tax Mapping

If applicable, enter the sales tax settings you would like to use in the event that sales tax information is not submitted with a transaction.

Task 4 - Configure Duty Mapping

If desired, enter the duty settings that should be used in the event that duty information was not submitted with a transaction.

Task 5 - Configure Freight/Shipping Mapping

If desired, enter the freight/shipping settings that should be used in the event that freight or shipping information is not submitted with a transaction.

Click Submit to save your QuickBooks Download Report settings. A confirmation message indicates that your settings have been successfully applied.

QuickBooks Download Report

To generate a settled transactions report for QuickBooks, follow these steps:

  1. Select a QuickBooks charge transaction type for creating a download report from the Charge Transaction drop-down list, if desired. Options include:
    • Sales Receipt/Cash Sale - Full payment is received at the time of recording the sale.
    • Invoice - Full payment is not received at the time of recording the sale or full payment is received in advance.
    • Payment - A payment is received on a customer invoice.
    • Invoice Payment - Both invoices and their subsequent payments.
  2. Select Credit Memo from the Refund Transaction drop-down list to create a download report for transactions with that transaction type, if desired. Note: You can run a report for just one or a combination of QuickBooks Charge Transaction and QuickBooks Refund Transaction types available.
  3. Select a settlement batch date or date range from the Start Date and End Date drop-down lists. You can select any date range up to 90 days.
  4. Click Run Report to view your report in the Merchant Interface, or click Download to download the report into QuickBooks format. If you select Run Report, the generated report will appear in the Merchant Interface with the following details: Trans ID, Invoice Number, Transaction Status, Submit Date, Customer Name, Card Type, Payment Method, Payment Amount, Settlement Date, and Settlement Amount. If you select Download, please see step 5.
  5. Click Save to save the download file properly in QuickBooks .iif format, or click Open to view the report immediately. If you choose to open the downloaded report immediately instead of saving it to your computer, the file will not open automatically in QuickBooks. You are still required to import the file according to QuickBooks procedures.
  6. Select the location on your computer or network where the file should be saved and click Save.
  7. Your report will be downloaded as an .iif document suitable for importing to the Basic, Professional, and Premier editions of QuickBooks from 2002 to 2005. For versions not listed here, please import a test file to ensure compatibility before uploading .iif files generated by the payment gateway.

All download files are named “DownloadYYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.iif.” For example, a file that is downloaded on March 5, 2008 at 3:41:30 pm would be named Download20080305-154130.iif. Ensure to save all QuickBooks report downloads as .iif files only.

QuickBooks Download Report FAQ

Exporting Transaction History from Authorize.net to QuickBooks

You can export your transaction history from your Authorize.net account into your QuickBooks software. This applies whether you have a Card Present or Card Not Present account. The transaction history available within the Merchant Interface can be exported for use with QuickBooks software.

About .iif File Extension

The .iif file name suffix is Intuit's file format for importing transactions into the QuickBooks Accounting Package. Currently, .iif is accepted by all versions of QuickBooks but is not officially supported.

Supported Versions of QuickBooks for Download Report Feature

The QuickBooks download report feature is compatible with Basic, Professional, and Premier editions of QuickBooks from 2002 to 2005. For versions not mentioned here, please first download and import a test file to ensure compatibility before importing .iif files generated by the payment gateway. We recommend that you always import a test file before using the download feature on a regular basis.

Downloading Transaction History Details and Importing into QuickBooks

To create a settled transactions report for use with QuickBooks, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click QuickBooks Download in the main left side menu.
  3. If you have not already done so, configure the default download file settings. You can use the QuickBooks Integration Guide, link provided at the top of this article, to assist you with configuring the default download file settings. Once complete, be sure to click Submit at the bottom of the page to save your settings.
  4. If desired, select a QuickBooks charge transaction type from the Charge Transaction drop-down list: Sales, Receipt/Cash Sale, Invoice, Payment, and Invoice Payment.
  5. If desired, select Credit Memo from the Refund Transaction drop-down list. You may run a report for just one or a combination of the QuickBooks Charge Transaction and QuickBooks Refund Transaction types available.
  6. Select a settlement batch date or date range from the Start Date and End Date drop-down lists. You may select any date range up to 90 days.
  7. Click Run Report to view your report in the Merchant Interface, or click Download to download the report into QuickBooks format. If you select Run Report, the generated report appears in the Merchant Interface with the following details: Transaction ID, Invoice Number, Transaction Status, Submit Date, Customer Name, Card Type, Payment Method, Payment Amount, Settlement Date, and Settlement Amount. If you select Download, please see step 5.
  8. Click Save to download the file properly in QuickBooks .iif format, or click Open to open the report immediately. If you choose to open the downloaded report immediately instead of saving it to your computer, the file will not open automatically in QuickBooks. You are still required to import the file according to QuickBooks procedures.
  9. Select the location on your computer or network where the file should be saved and click Save.

All download files are named "DownloadYYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.iif." For example, a file that is downloaded on March 5, 2008 at 3:41:30 pm would be named Download20080305-154130.iif. Be sure to save all QuickBooks report downloads as .iif files only.

Note: Any invoices and payments contained in an imported report are not automatically associated in QuickBooks. Please match any such transactions together manually.

Handling QuickBooks Import Errors

If you encounter an error while importing an .iif file into QuickBooks, the program will display an error message indicating the transaction where the error occurred. You can choose to continue the import, which will import all transactions except those that experienced errors, or cancel the import, which will only import transactions listed before the transaction that encountered the error. To import the remaining transactions, first correct any errors, then re-run the QuickBooks Download Report in the Merchant Interface.

Steps to Import Corrected Transactions

  1. Log into the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click QuickBooks Download in the main left side menu.
  3. Correct any errors in your QuickBooks configuration on the QuickBooks Download Report Settings page.
  4. Re-run the same QuickBooks Download Report.
  5. Delete the transactions that have already been imported into QuickBooks from the new .iif download file to prevent duplicates.
  6. Transfer the customer name associated with the errored transactions from the Other Names list to Customer Names list, or make the customer name inactive in the Other Names List.
  7. Import the modified .iif file into QuickBooks.

Refer to your QuickBooks documentation for more detailed information about importing files.

Importing a File into QuickBooks Twice

Importing the same file twice results in double accounting of your transactions. You can void or delete the invalid transaction by going to the QuickBooks Edit menu and choosing Void or Delete. Avoid importing a file twice unless the first import was unsuccessful.

Correcting Incorrect QuickBooks Item Name

If an incorrect QuickBooks Item Name has been entered, the transaction will still be recorded in QuickBooks, but the non-existing item will be added as the default Service item type. You can edit the transaction and change it to the desired item type.

Correcting Non-Existent Account in QuickBooks Settings

If a non-existent account has been entered in your QuickBooks settings, it will be created as a Bank Account. You can delete the transaction and re-import it using the correct bank account or simply transfer funds from the incorrect bank account into the correct one.

Resolving Timeouts While Importing Authorize.net File into QuickBooks

If you experience timeouts while importing the Authorize.net file into QuickBooks, try selecting a smaller batch range or importing your credits and refunds into a separate file.

QuickBooks Itemized and Extended Information

Authorize.net's application programming interfaces (APIs) not only allow you to configure transaction mapping for QuickBooks report downloads, but also enable you to send itemized order information and extended tax, freight, shipping, and duty details. This includes:

  • Itemized order information: item ID, item name, item description, item quantity, item price, and item tax status
  • Extended tax/freight/shipping and duty information: item name, description, and amount

When you submit the following types of information with a transaction, they override the default settings from your QuickBooks Download Report Settings page and will be included in the QuickBooks download report:

  • Itemized order information (item name, item number, quantity)
  • Extended sales tax information (tax amount, whether the transaction is tax-exempt)
  • Extended duty/freight information

For more information about submitting itemized order and extended sales tax, duty, and freight/shipping information on a per-transaction basis, refer to the implementation guide for your connection method. You can find this guide in the Merchant Interface by clicking on Help in the main menu, then Documentation and Reference Guides. Alternatively, you can contact your Web developer for assistance.

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Import Errors

We recommend using the QuickBooks default accounts for your QuickBooks download report settings to avoid unnecessary import errors. If an error occurs while importing the .iif file, QuickBooks will display an error message indicating the transaction where the error occurred. Please consider the following scenarios:

  • If you choose to continue the import, all transactions except those that experienced errors will be successfully imported into QuickBooks.
  • If you choose to cancel the import, the transactions before the transaction causing the error will be successfully imported into QuickBooks. To import the remaining transactions, you will first need to correct any error(s) and re-run the QuickBooks Download Report in the Merchant Interface.

To import the corrected and remaining transactions:

  1. If necessary, correct any error(s) in your QuickBooks configuration or on the QuickBooks Download Report Settings page.
  2. Re-run the same QuickBooks Download Report, OR depending on the error experienced, you may choose to simply correct the transactions causing the error in the original .iif import file.
  3. Delete the transactions that have already been successfully imported into QuickBooks from the new .iif download file. This will prevent duplicate transactions from being imported into QuickBooks.
  4. Import the modified .iif file into QuickBooks.

Please refer to the QuickBooks Integration Guide for more detailed information about importing files.

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