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07/18/2024 16:04 PM


Important Note

The Advanced Integration Method (AIM), Server Integration Method (SIM), and Direct Post Method (DPM) are now obsolete and in the process of being phased out. We strongly suggest using one of our modern connection methods to integrate with the Authorize.net Payment Gateway. Visit our Developer Center and Upgrade Guide for more information on our updated APIs.

What is Relay Response?

Relay Response is a feature used by merchants utilizing the Server Integration Method (SIM) or Simple Checkout. It instructs the Authorize.net payment gateway to return transaction results to the merchant through an HTML form POST to a specified URL on the merchant's web server. A script or program at this URL can then create a custom receipt page using the transaction information. This custom receipt page is relayed back to the customer's browser. It's important to note that Relay Response does not redirect the end user back to your server. Instead, it relays your specified Relay URL to the end user through our receipt page, replacing our default receipt page.

Any Response/Receipt URLs submitted with a transaction request must exist in the Response/Receipt URLs list in the Merchant Interface, otherwise, the transaction will be rejected. If no URL is submitted, the Default Receipt or Default Relay Response URL configured in the Merchant Interface will be used. Keep in mind that Response/Receipt URLs should only be used in conjunction with SIM or Simple Checkout.

How to Add a URL to the List of Authorized Response or Receipt URLs:

  1. Log into the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Click Response/Receipt URLs under Transaction Format Settings.
  4. Click Add URL.
  5. Enter the new URL. This URL must start with either "http://" or "https://".
  6. Click Submit.

Note: URLs not designated as the Default Receipt URL or Default Relay Response URL cannot be edited. If you need to change one of these URLs, you must first delete it and then use the Add URL link to add the correct URL to the list.

How to Add or Edit the Default Receipt URL:

  1. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  2. Click Response/Receipt URLs under Transaction Format Settings.
  3. Click Edit next to Default Receipt URL.
  4. In the URL text field, enter the URL where the payment gateway should send the transaction response. This URL must start with either "http://" or "https://". Parameterized URLs are not permitted.
  5. Select the Receipt Method you would like to use. The Receipt Method refers to the manner in which you would like transaction information to be passed back to your website when the customer clicks the default receipt link. The options are:
    • LINK – This method does not return any transaction information.
    • GET – This method returns order information in the HTTP header of the Web page targeted by the Default Receipt URL.
    • POST – This method returns information like an HTML form, with hidden fields containing the transaction information.
  6. Enter any custom text you would like to use for the link back to your website.
  7. Click Submit. A confirmation message indicates that the URL has been added.

This setting may depend on how your website is integrated with the payment gateway. Please consult with your Web developer or the person that integrated your website before changing these settings.

The URL is then saved as the Default Receipt URL on the Response/Receipt URLs page. If you update an existing Default Receipt URL, the old URL is not deleted, but is moved to the bottom of the URL list. If you would like to remove the URL from the list, click Delete.

How to Add a Default Relay Response URL:

  1. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  2. Click Response/Receipt URLs under Transaction Format Settings.
  3. Click Edit next to Default Relay Response URL. The Relay Response page appears.
  4. In the URL text field, enter the URL where the payment gateway should send the transaction response. This URL must start with either "http://" or "https://". Parameterized URLs are not permitted.
  5. Click Submit. A confirmation message indicates that the URL has been added.

If you update an existing Default Relay Response URL, the URL is not deleted, but is moved to the bottom of the URL list. If you would like to remove the URL from the list, click Delete.

How to Delete Response/Receipt URLs:

  1. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  2. Click Response/Receipt URLs under Transaction Format Settings.
  3. Click Delete next to the URL you would like to remove. A message confirms that the URL has been deleted.

Relay Response Codes and Values

The following name/value pairs are among those Relay Response can send to the merchant website:

  • x_response_code -- Indicates the result of the transaction:
    • 1 = Approved
    • 2 = Declined
    • 3 = Error
  • x_response_reason_code -- Provides more details about the result of the transaction, including the nature of any error. For a complete list of these codes, please see the Response Code Details topic in the SIM Implementation Guide.
  • x_auth_code -- The six-digit alphanumeric authorization or approval code.
  • x_avs_code -- The result of Address Verification Service (AVS) checks:
    • A = Address (Street) matches, ZIP does not
    • B = Address information not provided for AVS check
    • E = AVS error
    • G = Non-U.S. Card Issuing Bank
    • N = No Match on Address (Street) or ZIP
    • P = AVS not applicable for this transaction
    • R = Retry – System unavailable or timed out
    • S = Service not supported by issuer
    • U = Address information is unavailable
    • W = Nine digit ZIP matches, Address (Street) does not
    • X = Address (Street) and nine digit ZIP match
    • Y = Address (Street) and five digit ZIP match
    • Z = Five digit ZIP matches, Address (Street) does not

Relay Response Allowlist

With Relay Response, the URL used needs to be listed in your Merchant Interface and registered on your account. If a match is not found when sending a relay URL via SIM or DPM API (x_relay_url), a response code of 14 - The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid, will be returned.

Current scenarios for response code 14:

  • x_relay_url sent via API – No relay Url registered in the Merchant Interface
    • Response code 14 returned
  • x_relay_url sent via API - Relay URL registered but not matching
    • Response code 14 returned
  • x_relay_url sent via API - Relay URL registered and matching in the Merchant Interface
    • No error, hosted payment form loads successfully

URL Matching Logic:

  • Will allow registering just the domain if many relay URLs are used but on the same domain.

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