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07/18/2024 03:29 AM


The 'Recurring Transaction' field in your Authorize.net Virtual Terminal is a feature that indicates whether a transaction is recurring. However, it's important to note that this feature is not part of the Automated Recurring Billing system.

This option is made available because some merchants may receive reduced rates if a recurring billing indicator is present with their transactions. These rates can vary for each merchant, based on their individual agreements with their Merchant Service Provider. Therefore, including this field is entirely optional.

To enable the 'Recurring Transaction' field, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Settings on the main left side menu.
  3. Select Virtual Terminal under Transaction Format Settings.
  4. Enable the Recurring Billing Transaction field by clicking on the 'View/Edit' box. You can also make this field mandatory by clicking on the 'Required' box.
  5. Click Submit.

Important: Enabling the 'Recurring Transaction' field will disable 'Card Code Verification' and 'Address Verification', as these verifications should have been performed on the initial transaction submitted. If you haven't submitted a transaction for the card in question, we strongly recommend setting the 'Recurring Transaction' field to 'No'. If you have submitted at least one transaction on that particular card, you may set the 'Recurring Transaction' field to 'Yes'. The 'Recurring Transaction' field will default to 'No' unless you specify 'Yes'.


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