Sandbox FAQ
07/25/2024 03:35 AM
Sandbox Account for API Integration
Sandbox accounts are commonly used by merchants or developers to create and develop their web site/software code integrations to's API.
Limitations of the Sandbox
- The Merchant Profile section is not available in sandbox.
- Quickbooks Download and Sync for Quickbooks is not available in sandbox.
- Testing refunds on eCheck transactions will not work because eCheck settlement is not simulated in the sandbox.
Card Types Enabled in the Sandbox
Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are enabled by default.
Testing Refunds in the Sandbox
Yes, you can process simulated credit card refund transactions in sandbox.
Testing Specific Reason or Error Code
The Testing Guide allows developers to simulate various responses from the gateway in our sandbox environment, including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses.
Value Added Services (VAS) Available for Testing in the Sandbox
All services are enabled on a Card Not Present (CNP) test account which includes Advanced Fraud Detection Suite (AFDS), Automated Recurring Billing (ARB), eCheck and Customer Information Manager (CIM).
eCheck Availability in the Sandbox
Yes, it is enabled by default, but with low volume limits. The monthly volume limit is $5000 while the maximum transaction size is $100. Transactions larger than these amounts always return straight decline. You can request raising these limits.
eCheck Transaction Types Enabled in the Sandbox
The following eCheck types are enabled: PPD, WEB and CCD. You will need to send an email request to enable TEL, ARC and BOC. Please see the eCheck.Net User Guide for more info on these transaction types.
Test Bank Account Numbers for eCheck Transaction
We do not have any eCheck test numbers to use for testing. Instead you should use any bank’s valid routing number and then random, fake numbers for the account number.
Refunding an eCheck Transaction in the Sandbox
eCheck transactions do not settle in the sandbox. This means that it is not possible to submit refund (x_type=credit) eCheck transactions in the sandbox.
Automatic Settlement and Refund Ability on Test Account
Settlement is automatic and happens once a day at the Transaction Cut-Off Time configured in the sandbox merchant interface. You can change this within the sandbox merchant interface by editing the Transaction Cut-Off Time settings under the Account section.
Business Name or Merchant Name on Sandbox Account
The merchant name is always set as the user’s name you entered when applying for a sandbox account. This is what’s going to show on the transaction receipts. This can be changed by sending a request to
Updating Sandbox Account Information
Please send a request to with your sandbox account Gateway ID or Login ID for any request for changes.
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